The country's foremost auto dealership advisory firm

Bel Air Partners - Industry News


Vroom Today Gone Tomorrow
Have you noticed Vroom’s IPO? Both Vroom and Carvana are valued in the billions. Neither has made any money, nor by their own admission plan to for the foreseeable future. Remember the bubble ...
Used Car Trends Looking Up
This year was supposed to set records for used car sales, but amid the pandemic, we’ve seen a historic collapse in vehicle sales. April 2020 saw an estimated 40 percent sales drop compared to April 20...
Prices for Public Auto Retailers Bounce Back
After overreacting in late March, Wall Street may now again believe in traditional automotive retailing. This is an interesting contrast to Wall Street’s opinion in late March when public Blue-Sky val...
Buy/Sell Truths During a Pandemic
These are the strangest times in Bel Air’s 22 years of existence. Horrible unemployment, fear of conducting the normal patterns of life and unpaid mortgage and rent payments at historic levels are jus...
This Too Shall Pass
Car dealers have justifiable pride in their ability to weather the storm and come back stronger. This time will be no different. Cars bring people together, and after this is over, we will want to be ...


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